
Seismic Evaluation of City of Salem Civic Hall
Salem, OR
City of Salem
MSC Engineers, Inc. completed a seismic evaluation of the City of Salem Civic Center at the request of the City of Salem. Analysis of the structure considered seismic loads required by the current building code. Four cases were modeled using the program ETABS. We found that after implementation of the proposed seismic upgrades the structure achieves an adequate performance level as related to current code seismic and serviceability requirements. Some recommended non-structural upgrades are also proposed to provide an adequate level of safety with regards to falling hazards during a seismic event. We estimate an approximate cost of $12,894,500 to implement the proposed upgrades and the City is intending to ask the public for a bond to make the improvements in 2017.

Salem-Keizer School District
Englewood, Highland, Richmond and McKinley Elementary
Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade
Salem, OR
Anderson Shirley Architects
These four elementary schools are three story unreinforced masonry structures dating back to the turn of the century that have been deemed “Very High” seismic risk by DOGAMI and a Tier II Seismic evaluation. The School District requested an elective seismic upgrade to be designed that would provide the maximum benefit for the allotted budget. We assessed the facilities and have presented a steel skeleton frame solution for these Elementary Schools. The goal with these retrofits is to ensure the life safety of the occupants by ensuring that the floor and roof structures do not collapse during a seismic event. Englewood, Highland and Richmond have been completed in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. McKinley is slated to be designed and constructed in 2017.
Other Restoration Projects
Madison Street Complex, Salem, OR
Grand Apartments, Roseburg, OR
United Methodist Church, Sheridan, OR
Willamette University, Kresge Theater, Salem, OR